Handmade Ryan Gosling & Youtube Sensations


This is totally NOT a post in which I talk about a craft I made. At all. Well, mostly.

#1: Check out the video I helped my friend film (all editing and creative credits go to her. I was just the hardware available). Sh#t Everyone Says to Asian Girls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=p_js39d1YvU#!

You should know, I do have a completed craft on standby to be photographed when I get my camera back from my youtube sensation friend above- January will not go down as a month with no craft!

#2: If you haven’t seen it already, Handmade Ryan Gosling is a tumblr that appears to have been created just for me. http://handmaderyangosling.tumblr.com/

In particular, this one screams Pandercraft: Image

Ryan Gosling understands what it is to have a craft blog. If only my husband had gotten this meme. Did I use that right?

3 responses »

  1. Hey, thanks for the HRG shout out! (yeah, it’s my site) (hee)

    I love your header, it’s gorgeous, my favorite color scheme. Aaaand Shit that Asian Girls Say? Heeelarious. I’m going to send it to one of my BFFs, I know she’ll crack up (she’s Vietnamese and has definitely gotten a lot of that!).

    Another Windy City girl here – I got excited to recognize our Chinatown in your video. πŸ™‚

    • That is awesome. HRG is basically my favorite. If I’m having a bad day I look at it. Maybe I’ll create one and send it over!

      Shit everyone says to Asian Girls turned out pretty rad. Totally my friend’s idea, I just assisted. She also created a Hey Girl Rachel Maddow tumblr, you should check it out! http://rachelmaddowheygirl.tumblr.com/

      I’m actually a Seattle native… but Chi town has definitely grown on me πŸ™‚

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